生於1977年,今年33歲(我還以為他未滿25歲),如果你喜歡Jamie Cullum的話,你應該也會喜歡Wouter Hamel. 但我覺得他風格跟同是荷蘭創作歌手Benny Sings更像(廢話~Benny sings是他的製作人)
Wonter在2005年贏得荷蘭爵士歌手獎,他是第一個得到該獎項的男性,因此獲得荷蘭媒體的特別注意,之後他開始在許多電視節目以及爵士樂會亮相表演,並在2007年發表了第一張個人創作專輯--Hamel,受到大眾的好評。其中的一首Breezy也在日本以單曲發售,在Tokio hot chart百大獲得第36名的成績。我也是聽到這首歌才喜歡上他的,會讓人心情雀躍,節奏輕快的一首歌。
Wouter Hamel - Breezy
Wouter的歌曲風格在Jazz以及pop裡自由穿梭,有時候唱起歌來聲音深情的像Mel Tormé 或 Frank Sinatra,但又多了一股當代的年輕氣息。
「當我還是青少年時,我都聽P.J. Harvey, Smashing Pumpkins,而且還是Jeff Buckley的大歌迷。我用吉他彈奏他們的專輯並且試著寫出模仿他們風格的歌曲。但當我開始學音樂的時候這一切都變了。」Wouter喜歡上Mel Tormé, Mark Murphy
and Anita O’Day等傳奇歌手,至今都是他的目標。
Details (Very Jazzy)
Details Lyrics
A humdrum tuesday morning
when nothing's any good
i try to get to work
but i can't get out of this mood
a dreary friday evening
my friends are all in town
i plan to join them later
but my blues are still around
don't wanna waste my time on crying
things that you say won't tear me down
what can i do when you've been lying
i can't be bothered by those memories
spare me the sordid uncouth details
the image is vivid in my mind
i needn't fantasize to picture
the love we had was ruined too soon
you'd woo me with your lovesong
you'd tempt me with your eyes
you'd send me reeling high above
into orange coloured skies
you'd play on your piano
you wrote me poetry
with lovey-dovey metaphors
all leadin' back to me
don't wanna go back to the old days
when love used to blind me every day
guess i was lost inside your love maze
but now the air is clear enough to see
i was all dressed up
with nowhere to go
you had me from the start
you had me from hello
but now i'm free to fly away
into a brand new lovely day
i'm leaving you behind
spare me the grungy grimy details
the image is lifelike as it is
i can see you and him before me
the love we had was rudely traded in
spare me the sordid uncouth details
the image is vivid in my mind
i needn't fantasize to picture
the love we had was ruined
oh, can't you see it's ruined
the love we had was ruined
too soon
Ride that sunbeam (據說聽起來很有聖誕味?^^")
Official website http://www.wouterhamel.nl/